Alcohol harm on agenda

The Lower South West Football League has partnered with the Southern Forests Alcohol and Other Drug Management Committee to address dangers behind the alcohol culture in sport.
The committee is one of the Local Drug Action Teams across Australia building partnerships in communities, to deliver alcohol and other drug harm prevention activities.
Southern Forests Alcohol and Other Drug Management Committee spokeswoman Sharon Wilkinson said 27 per cent of sporting club members across Australia aged between 18 and 30 drove home after five or more drinks.
“We are very happy the Lower South West Football League has partnered with us on working towards more responsible attitudes in our community,” she said.
“With so many people involved in sport, it really does have the power to change lives.”
Ms Wilkinson said the prevalent culture of drinking in sporting clubs had impeded on the potential sport has at making a positive difference in people’s lives.
“Around Australia, more and more sporting clubs are making a concerted effort to change the drinking culture within their club, having seen the damage alcohol can do to individuals, to the club and to the community,” she said.
The committee advocates drinking at safe levels and meets every six weeks.
It is open to anyone in the community who would like to be involved in reducing alcohol and other drug harms.
For more information contact Sharon Wilkinson on 9771 7752.
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