South West shires prepare services for Anzac Day

Several South West shires are preparing for Anzac Day with services being held throughout the region, with dawn services, gunfire breakfasts and morning services on offer for those wanting to commemorate the sacrifice of our servicemen and women.
Boyup Brook
The dawn service will begin at 5.50am, with a muster at the Boyup Brook War Memorial on Abel Street at 5.30am, while the main service muster will begin at 10.30am, for a march starting at 10.45am.
The main service will take place at 11.00am while a hospital service will start at 12.30pm.
Greenbushes and Bridgetown
Greenbushes will hold its dawn service at 6am at the Greenbushes War Memorial across from the school, before hosting a gunfire breakfast at 7am.
Bridgetown will follow with a march from the Bridgetown post office at 9.30am to the Memorial Park, where a service will be held at 10am.
Manjimup will begin its Anzac Day service, with a dawn service at 6am, followed by a gunfire breakfast from 7am to 8.30am.

Nannup will begin Anzac Day with a dawn service, consisting of a muster at the war memorial at 5.45am for a 5.50am start, with a gunfire breakfast being held at the Nannup RSL hall on Cross Street afterwards.

Attendees are invited to the RSL hall after the service, for refreshments and socialising.
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