Grant money to help community

Bannister Downs Dairy is encouraging local businesses and organisations to apply for grants aimed at supporting the community.
Managing director Sue Daubney said additional money had been set aside as part of the company’s Hand in Hand Project, to help the community through the COVID-19 pandemic.
“While we weren’t immune from the impact of coronavirus, we recognise we were fortunate to remain in operation throughout the crisis,” she said.
“We know everyone in our community is feeling the ongoing impacts of this pandemic and if we’re able to help prevent the closure or cancellation of community projects through our Hand in Hand Project, we will.”
Bannister Downs’ Hand in Handgrants have already supported Walpole Tidy Towns, Quinninup Community Association, Northcliffe Visitor Centre, Botanical Medicine, and the Manjimup Cherry Harmony Festival this year.
The grant applications close on August 15 and can be accessed via the Bannister Downs website.
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